Saturday, January 15, 2011

why we r together ?

bl kami jln2 be7 ..
bl de org2 yg br knl kami ..
soalan yg 4 sure dorg akn tny ..
cne korg boley besama ? knp 7 ?


 if any1 ask me .. y i stay wif them .. y we r so close .. these r my reasons ..

It has to be this 7 of us, or it won’t be DYNO . We can’t lack a member, nor can we add or exchange anyone.
We fight and agitate each other, but we grow along the way. I feel that, that makes us DYNO.
 We will all someday have to say Bye bye to everything. So I feel that we have to treasure the fate and people that we meet 
 To be honest, even when I am working individually, I can heave a sigh of relief when I return to DYNO . …it gives me a sense of security. 
We are a natural body of a group of girls. I am confident that we understand each other. 
 I do feel that everyone’s existence are supporting me. 

**supporting cm kucing nie .. heee ~ sweet ..

 It is only natural to be in 7 like this. Be it if we together or we don’t. The bond between us, wouldn’t change. 
My strength is that I have people are important to me.
The common thing amongst DYNO is that we are all stupid. But despite being stupid, when I am feeling suffocated, there’s no one else that’s as dependable. 
With this 6 of them, I would want to keep in contact for as long and deep as possible. 

**our relationship as comey as these kitties.. **

** hehe .. akhir nye aku post .. sweet x post ?? lalalalala ~


  1. wahh!! mimie x nk kalahh...
    neway~ like 100x !!!!

  2. eyhh .. ofkos gnius ..
    t aku nk post lg byk2 .. hehe

  3. feeweettt..sweet talker nk mampus,,haha
    i like very very much!!


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